School board reviews policies for 2021-22
Posted on 02/02/2021
OCPS news release

During today’s School Board Work Session, the Orange County School Board reviewed school board policies JIC - Code of Student Conduct and JICK - Threats.


The purpose of this work session was to review the current Code of Student Conduct and seek input from the School Board. The board was also updated on pending changes to policy JICK to be consistent with the Florida Department of Education, Office of Safe Schools, model policy regarding Assessment teams and to include threats of self-harm. 


Proposed changes to School Board Policy JIC – Code of Student Conduct:

  • Add definitions for direct and indirect threats
  • Add Student Environmental Safety Incident Reporting System (SESIR) language to policy JIC and remove from policy JICK
  • Revise appeal procedures for Levels 1-3 to allow the area or associate superintendent to uphold or overturn a principal’s decision
  • Add repeated Level 3 threats to a Level 4C 


Proposed changes to School Board Policy JICK – Threats: 

  • Addition of Threat Assessment Teams language
  • Addition of Threats of Self-Harm language
  • Remove SESIR language and add to Policy JIC


To view the Power Point presentation click here.

To view the red line changes to policy JICK click here.


Next steps: School Board policies JIC and JICK will be presented at the School Board Rule Development Workshop on April 22, 2021. 


*Reminder* Work sessions are live-streamed on the School Board’s YouTube channel and 

will be accessible from web browsers on computers or mobile devices.