Board conducts work session (March 26, 2024)
Posted on 03/26/2024
Presentation title screen

At today’s work session, the Orange County School Board reviewed a presentation from Human Resources regarding the current partnerships the district has in place to reduce the impacts of the nationwide teacher shortage. Since 2011, there has been a steady decline in the number of students enrolled in teacher preparation programs. The district has partnered with numerous colleges, universities and programs to train and support individuals that would like to enter the field of teaching. The presentation lists the traditional and alternative certification pathways available. 


School Board members also reviewed two school board policies: 
JICK – Threats  
IKA – Grading Systems


Revisions to the existing policy language include content, formatting and edits necessary for statutory and rule language. The Office of Legal Services, District Police and Student Services presented the proposed changes and answered questions related to the policies. View the presentation


Next steps 

Rule Development Workshop – May 9, 2024

Board Approval – May 28, 2024

Effective Date – Upon Approval


*Reminder* Work sessions are live-streamed on the School Board’s YouTube channel and accessible from web browsers on computers or mobile devices.