
Criteria and Procedures of Management Directive Development

For Criteria and Procedures of Management Directive Development, click here.

Management Directives

Management Directives are organized into two categories: Section A - Personnel Procedures and Section B - Organizational Governance. The directives are listed below by category and number.

 Section A - Personnel Procedures  Updated Date  Section B - Organizational Governance  Updated Date
 A 01 - Organizational Chart  July 1, 2017  B 01 - Governmental Relations  April 26, 2023
 A 02 - Non Faculty Coaches  April 26, 2023  B 02 - Use of Social Media  April 26, 2023
 A 03 - Smoke Free Workplace  April 26, 2023  B 04 Guidelines for District Branding  April 26, 2023
 A 04 - Reporting Child Abuse  April 26, 2023  B 05 - Guidelines for Media Relations  April 26, 2023
 A 05 - Obligation of School Board Funds  April 26, 2023  B 06 - Holiday Observance  April 26, 2023
 A 06 - Pre-Employment Orientation  April 26, 2023  B 07 - Use of Copyrighted Materials  April 26, 2023
 A 07 - Induction Program for Instructors  April 26, 2023  B 08 - Reporting Weapons  April 26, 2023
 A 08 - Emergency Evacuation Drills  April 26, 2023  B 09 - Environmental Compliance  April 26, 2023
 A 09 - Employee Use of Technology  July 1, 2022   B 10 - Resource Conservation  April 26, 2023
 A 10 - Self Reporting  April 26, 2023  B 11 - District Vehicles and Applications  April 26, 2023
 A 11 - Guidelines on References  April 26, 2023  B 12 - Policy of Civil Conduct  April 26, 2023
 A 12 - Employee Out of County Travel  April 26, 2023  B 13 - Office Protocol  April 26, 2023
 A 13 - Purchasing Card Oversight and use  April 26, 2023  B 14 - Facility Modification Through External Partners  April 26, 2023
 A 14 - Short-Term Leave Requests and Timesheet Requirements  September 11, 2023  B 15 - Emergency Management  September 12, 2023
 A 15 - Employee Responsibility in the Proper Use of Sensitive Data  April 26, 2023    
 A 16 - Prohibition for Seclusion  April 26, 2023    
 A 17 - Guidelines on Theft/Falsification  April 26, 2023    


Related Documents

Request for Reference for A 11

Out of County Travel Guidelines for A 12

Facility Modifications Through External Partners Key Questions Checklist for B 14

Facility Modification Approval Process for B 14

FAQ Examples for Management Directive B 14

Guidelines Enforcing the SSN Policy for A 15