
Environmental Compliance provides schools with biomedical waste collection devices such as sharps containers and red bags. Full sharps containers and used red bags must be properly disposed of through Environmental Compliance via the Biomedical Waste Pick-up Request.

Orange County Public Schools regulates biomedical waste in accordance with Chapter 64E-16 of the Florida Administrative Code and Section 381.0098 of the Florida Statutes. Biomedical waste is primarily generated by the school clinics through sharps used by students with medical needs.

In order to maintain compliance with the state regulations, schools are required to complete the following:

Biomedical Waste Plan

All schools must have a complete up-to-date Biomedical Waste Plan onsite. The plan is site specific and includes a description of training for personnel; procedures for segregating, labeling, packaging, transporting, storing, and treating, biomedical waste; procedures for decontaminating biomedical waste spills; and a contingency plan for emergencies. Plans should be reviewed and updated on an annual basis. All biomedical waste management records shall be maintained for three (3) years.

Biomedical Waste Training

All personnel who handle biomedical waste as part of their work responsibilities must be trained. New personnel must receive training prior to the commencement of duties related to biomedical waste handling. Refresher training for all personnel will be conducted on an annual basis. The training course is available on Canvas - "Biomedical Waste Training". A copy of the training certificate shall be maintained for three (3) years.