Research, Measurement and Strategy Title
The Research, Measurement and Strategy office facilitates the accurate measurement of student learning, provides targeted research and data analysis support, guides continuous improvement processes.

The Departments/Areas of Research, Measurement and Strategy 

Accountability provides guidance and support to school and district leaders with state and federal accountability processes, assessment outcomes reporting, and data partnerships to improve student academic performance.

Assessment leads the development and administration of high-quality K-12 assessments that provide OCPS stakeholders with actionable data to improve student achievement.

Research supports district decision-making through primary and partnered research, program evaluation, the calculation of Student Learning Growth (SLG) scores, and support for the state value-added models (VAM).

Strategic Improvement assists school and district leaders by offering resources, technical expertise, professional learning, and support services with accreditation and continuous improvement initiatives.

The Research, Measurement and Strategy office is led by Senior Executive Director Jennifer Sasser. For more information, please contact:

Miriam Patton, Executive Assistant
[email protected]

Contact Information

The Office of Research, Accountability & Grants is led by Jennifer Sasser, Associate Superintendent. 

Research, Measurement and Strategy

445 W. Amelia Street Orlando, FL 32801 407.317.3214