Alex Rodriguez, Support Person of the Year

David “Alex” Rodriguez
Bilingual Paraprofessional
Vista Pointe Elementary

Alex Rodriguez, a bilingual paraprofessional at Vista Pointe Elementary, goes beyond his job duties to encourage and assist students, especially the school’s English-language learners. The OCPS 2022-23 Support Person of the Year is the friendly face many children look forward to seeing every day, his colleagues say. He works with intervention groups, helping some of the school’s most struggling readers.

”There are always new ways to include all students, and having teachers ask me what I do to engage English Language Learners in lessons feels like a compliment,” Rodriguez said. “Students love learning, we just have to find ways to include them in the fun.”

After growing up with Spanish-speaking parents, Rodriguez is also able to quickly perceive when someone needs translation assistance, and jumps right in. In his role as a bilingual paraprofessional, Rodriguez works with first- through fourth-grade students on foundational reading skills to ensure they are on grade level. He said he finds the students' dedication and hard work both inspiring and rewarding. 

He enjoys working with students so much that he is studying to become a teacher. He is a student in the Pathways to Teaching program at Rollins College, a partnership with OCPS that allows paraprofessionals to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree and elementary education certification while continuing to work. 

Rodriguez also fills many other roles around campus, including leading the News Crew, overseeing bus dismissal and assisting in the cafeteria. Colleagues admire his ability to manage his many duties all while maintaining a positive attitude and calm demeanor. 

“I work with students coming from all over the world. Learning the English language is one of their biggest challenges. Making sure they receive the help they need in order to be successful in school is my goal,” Rodriguez said. “Seeing them achieve their academic goals gives me the feeling that I've done something important."

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