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Two OCPS teachers run a nonprofit that helps meet basic needs for families in the Winter Park community. 
See Coach Russell tell his story here. 

Army of Angels at work
Kate Demory (back row) and Craig Russell (right), pose with Tiffany and Tori of SUN STORI, which donated bracelets to include in an Army of Angels delivery.

Profile: Homegrown Hero Guides Army of Angels
By Renee Burke 

In recognition of National Philanthropy Week in November, please enjoy this profile of an OCPS alumni, teacher hero and philanthropist.

Craig Russell began his teaching and coaching career at Winter Park HS 20 years ago — the very school he graduated from. Russell teaches weightlifting and coaches varsity football and wrestling. He is a UCF graduate who also holds a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership. Students and families trust and respect Russell, and they often confide in him about hardships they are facing. Through the years, he and his wife, Kathleen Demory, have provided students and athletes with necessities such as clothing, toiletries, bikes, beds, shelter, and food.

“Having basic essentials can make a huge impact on a student's academic success, mental health and overall achievement in and out of the classroom, or on and off the field,” Russell said. 

When schools closed during the COVID-19 pandemic, Russell and Demory, who is a resource teacher for the OCPS Minority Achievement Office, worried about how students would get nutritious food, especially when many of them relied on the meals and snacks the school provided each day. Even though the district provided drive-through grab and go meals, they knew many of their families would not be able to get to campus to benefit from the service.

Russell and Demory created Army of Angels, a 501c3 non-profit dedicated to serving as the link between those in the community who want to help and those who need support.

“We pride ourselves on the fact that we give kids what they need when they need it. We listen,  meet them where they are, stay responsive and accessible,” Russell said. “We rallied the community and they stepped up and then it just snowballed into everything from basic essentials to technology to clothes to home goods.”

While Army of Angels primarily focuses on OCPS students and families in need, it has collaborated with multiple local organizations, including UCF Cares and the Aeras Foundation, to serve any student or young adult that seeks assistance. One of Russell’s most memorable deliveries was taking a family a queen-sized mattress. The family of seven lived in a one-bedroom apartment with a twin bed. This was the 15-year-old daughter’s first bed. 

“I can’t say there is one story, but I can say there have been multiple times where I’ve taken food and beds to people and the shock on their face and their gratitude is just overwhelming, especially when some of the kids have never slept in a bed before and now they’re getting one of their own,” Russell said.

Russell and Demory wholeheartedly believe there’s no reason kids should go without. They are especially thankful to their partners, including the Winter Park HS PTSA, recent WPHS senior classes and the WPHS Classes of 1967 and 1980, as well as many local businesses who play an integral part in the Thanksgiving food drives and Christmas food and gift drives. Moreover, they are excited about their partnership with several initiatives through the OCPS Minority Achievement Office.

“We see a lot of our own kids in other kids, and we want to treat those in need the way we would our own kids because every kid deserves that,” Russell said. “We see Army of Angels as the conduit that connects those who want to help to those who need it.” 

For more information or to donate, visit the Army of Angels website

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