Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System As a valued partner in the promotion of adolescent and school health, we are reaching out to you to share information about the value of the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS).

National, state, and local versions of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) help inform our understanding of behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of death, disability and social problems among students. YRBS data allow us to monitor trends in health behaviors, guide programmatic interventions, and inform school health policies and practices.

To date, YRBS data have been used to:

  1. Describe student health behaviors, risks, and experiences.
  2. Plan, monitor, and evaluate school health interventions.
  3. Inform school policies and practices.
  4. Support health-related policies, legislation, and laws.
  5. Provide information and support for funding requests.
  6. Inform teacher professional development.

Ongoing, systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of YRBS data help CDC inform stakeholders, and guide school health programs and policies.

The data CDC and state and local agencies collect are vital to monitoring trends and changes in student health risks over time, and determining the extent to which school policies and practices can help improve these risks. We appreciate your continued support and ask that you share information about the value of YRBSS in your schools and communities.

For more information please visit:

YRBSS data for Orange County, Florida: